Five Minute Meal - Cabbage, Bacon & Mozzarella

Time - five minutes. Couple of rashers of bacon chopped up and stir fried, half a finely sliced savoy cabbage (could be any cabbage or broccoli) thrown in once it bacon browned. Tear up a ball of mozarella (throw couple of desert spoons of the liquid from the mozarella packet into the cabbage and bacon to help the steaming process and add extra flavour). Once the cabbage has softened throw the mozarella in and let it melt. Season w salt and pepper. Pop on a plate. Serves two generously. No mozarella, use parmesan and a little bit of water to help steaming if needed. No parmesan use cheddar. Vegan version fried onion instead of bacon. Nutritional yeast and a little bit of water instead of mozarella.
- Tags: meal hacks
- Katy Newton