Let's Talk About Elderflower - Eat The Seasons, May

My Mr Wasted's wedding date was decided based on having elderflower and strawberries available (and a willing partner, of course!) and they are both visible signs of my favourite time of the year. Full of promise, summer is on its way!
We love the flavour of elderflower in the Kitchen and here are some of our favourite elderflower recipes:
1. Elderflower Vinegar - delicious on rocket & cheese salad, artichokes, asparagus and tomatoes... link here.
2. Elderflower Cordial - make plenty and use in drinks, cocktails, cakes. Shop bought elderflower cordials are pretty good flavour wise but none of them capture the flavour of hazy sunshine and pollen like doing your own. Link here.
3. Gooseberry & Elderflower Fool - make with shop bought or homemade elderflower cordial. Link here.
4. Elderflower Vinaigrette - make with your homemade elderflower vinegar. Link here.
- Tags: Eat The Seasons Flavour Hack May Recipe
- Katy Newton