Quick Vinaigrette Recipe - Flavour Hacks

So - you've made some flavoured vinegar and you want to make a vinaigrette. It's a great way to get the most from the flavours. Here's our recipe.
Jam jar & lid!
Pop 150ml of oil (we use olive or rapeseed), 50ml of your vinegar and grind of salt and pepper to taste into the jar and give it a good shake. That's it.
We often add a teaspoon of dijon mustard, grain mustard is good too.
If you want a sweeter honey or maple dressing add a teaspoon of honey, maple syrup or sweet chilli
If you're using a plain vinegar you could add herbs (dry or fresh), chilli or pesto.
Think Dijon & Honey// Grain & Maple// Pesto & Parmesan// Garlic & Chive// Sweet Chilli
Use at room temperature to get the full flavour hit. Pop the lid on any that isn't used and keep in fridge for up to about five days - give it a good shake each time you use it. If you've got time and you remember take it out of fridge 30 minutes before you want it.
We use this for Elderflower, Chive Flower, Herb Vinegars and Fruit Vinegars. It's also good for cider, white wine, red wine, balsamic vinegars!
The standard ratio of oil to vinegar in a vinaigrette is 3 oil to 1 vinegar but play around and see if you like something different. Some vinegars are stronger than others - and sometimes we just use straight vinegar.
- Katy Newton