Chive Flower Vinegar Recipe - Eat The Seasons, May

It's May, chive flowers are about to pop and they don't just look good, they taste great too!
Chive flowers make amazing flavouring for vinegar that you can use on your salads and in dressings for a taste of the first few weeks of Spring all year round.
And it couldn't be easier to make your own!
Here's how:
500ml bottle of apple cider or white white vinegar.
5 - 10 chive flowers - pick them just after they've bloomed.
How to
If your vinegar bottle has a wide neck just pop your flowers straight in and leave for a couple of days, strain (or leave where they are). That's it. You'll get a lovely rosy coloured chive tasting vinegar! Great in vinaigrette, on leaves or avocado and easy homemade mayonnaise (tutorial to follow).
If your vinegar bottle doesn't have a wide neck pop the vinegar into a jar or kilner and add the flowers.
Hacks & Ideas
No chive flowers - this recipe works with other herbs as well. Tarragon is also in season and it is a great thing to do all year.
Check out our elderflower vinegar how to here.
Amazing to gift to food friends...
- Katy Newton