Spring Onion Rescue

Is it just me who always a bunch of spring onions festering in the bottom of the fridge?! Don't throw them away. Give them a bit of tlc and use them in salads, with noodles, pop them in your stir fry or on top of your cheesy mash.
Here's how
- Chop the hairy end off.
- Cut the onion in half longways from the bottom - this make it easier to remove the outer layers
- Remove the outer layers to reveal fresh, usable spring onion (Tah dah!)
- Chop to your liking and use straight away/ pop into a jar or tub and keep in the fridge or freezer and use later
- If you have a stock bag in the freezer pop the outer layers in it and use it for stock later
Tip: Prep the onions as soon as you've got them home, leave them in a clear tub in the fridge to remind you they're there and then grab a handful when you need them. They are my go to for noodles, salads. omelettes, fritters, stir frys and summer rolls and if they're ready prepped it makes it sooo much easier to pull something tasty together to eat - which means I eat something healthy.

- Katy Newton