Two Egg Hacks To Make Your Kitchen Life Easier - Smooth Eggs & Easy Peeling

Eggs are one of our favourite ingredients - they come in their own packaging, they're full of protein and handy for pretty much any recipe. Here are two of our top Kitchen egg hacks that have been a game changer for me.
Easy Peeling
Ever tried to peel a boiled egg and found that the egg is stuck to the shell and you ended up with a 'lumpy egg? For perfect peeling tap the pointy end on a hard surface and peel from there. Works every time.
I looked it up and the air that's already in the egg collects at the top which means that if you break the shell there the membrane breaks too and comes away cleanly!
Smooth Operator
When you crack an egg the proteins hold it the white together which means it's a bit 'stringy' and sticks together. If you want smooth eggs for an omelette, scrambled egg, for dipping something in or egg washing pastry then crack your eggs, add a pinch of salt, give it a whisk and leave it for 10-15 minutes. The salt breaks down the proteins and you'll have smooth egg, no stringiness, ready to use.
- Katy Newton