Soy Roast Seeds & Crispy Spiced Chickpeas - Easy Healthy Nibbles

Two super tasty nibbles or meal pimps that are full of protein and good fats!
If you've been to any of our Bite Sized Gut Health Season with Nutritionist Virginia Hills the chances are you'll have tried these. They are super simple to make and here's the recipes!
Soy Roast Seeds
A few handfuls of seeds and nuts. We use a mixture of some or all of the following sesame, sunflower, pumpkin, linseed, almonds.
Soya sauce - I prefer light but dark works too, it just gives a stronger flavour.
You could also use curry, harissa, raspberries el hangout powder or paste with some olive oil.
How To Make
Put seed mix into a bowl and pour in a couple of desert spoons of soy sauce - basically enough to make sure all the seeds are coated. Stir to coat.
Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper. Empty seeds onto the tray and spread around.
Pop into a preheated oven at 180 for 7 minutes. Take out, give them a stir and pop them back in for 3 minutes. They tend to cook quicker at the edges of the tray and some may have clumped together, so this is to break them up and move them around. Pop back in the oven for five minutes. Take out and leave to cool and dry. Enjoy.
Crispy Spiced Chickpeas
A tin or jar of chickpeas
Spices - curry powder, ras el hanout, chilli, harissa, paprika...
Olive oil
Salt to taste
How To Make
Strain your chickpeas and empty onto a clean tea-towel or muslin and rub them to make them as dry as possible.
Put them in a bowl, add a splash of olive oil and turn them to coat. Add your choice of spices and salt to taste.
Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper. Empty the chickpeas onto the tray and spread around.
Pop into a preheated oven at 180 for 15 minutes. Take out and give them a 'stir'. Pop back in the oven for five to ten minutes. Take out and leave to cool and dry.
Bite Sized Gut Health Classes
If you want to know more about and book our Bite Sized Gut Health Season kicking off at Macknade in January click here.
- Katy Newton